His Story — United Pursuit – Official Site

His Story

Found this in a old journal of mine this morning, dated May 2nd 2010.

Its a simple faith deceleration over our generation.
Stirs my heart again…

“God is raising up a people who will tell His story. They are full of God’s Spirit, flowing in creativity that this world hasn’t seen. This level of creativity has been entrusted to them by the Creator himself because they have given their lives as stewards of God’s Kingdom. They have died to the flesh, and a Holy pursuit has taken over them. Their King’s values and virtues are written in their hearts. They live and breath to do His will. Their perspective of life comes from above, and thus their discernment in this world is deadly accurate, deadly to the stronghold’s of the enemy. Ever person they come in contact with is seen through the eyes of love. Boundless creativity will be released to those who’s desire is to partner with God in drawing the nations to Himself. Its time for the Kingdom story to be told. Its time for the Kingdom to be fleshed out in every facet of society with breathtaking beauty, because we serve a beautiful God. Its time for the Church to come out of hiding and be filled with the Spirit of God, the great Spirit of Love. Movies will be made, songs will be crafted that will cast out confusion and awaken hearts to the never ending calling of their Father to come home. An army of lovers freely given to our Father’s will are gathering. Are you one of them?”