Tell All My Friends — United Pursuit – Official Site

Tell All My Friends


  1. You Carried Me - lyrics - chords

  2. Let You Go - lyrics - chords

  3. Not In A Hurry - lyrics - chords

  4. Need You More - lyrics - chords

  5. Speak To The Silence - lyrics - chords

  6. Feeling Low - lyrics - chords

  7. Lay It All Down - lyrics - chords

  8. I Can Tell - lyrics - chords

  9. Leave this House Singing - lyrics - chords

  10. Nothing Without You - lyrics - chords



Will Reagan - acoustic guitar, vocals

Nathan Fray - drums

Brock Human - electric guitar

John Romero - bass

Freddy Washington - piano, choir arrangements

Charles Jones - organ

Will Carter - slide guitar, electric guitar

Austin Arnwine - bass on “Lay It All Down”

Live choir: 

  • Teaira Dunn

  • Jamel Smith

  • Britney Spencer

Choir overdubs:

  • Joy Warren

  • Tashera Robertson

  • Kharan Watkins

  • Stephanie Mickens


Produced by Will Reagan & United Pursuit

Engineered by Garrett Sale & Will Reagan

Mixed by Darrell Thorp

Mastered by Adam Ayan at Gateway Mastering Studios